
fast or as low noise designed class-A MOS-FET-PA
fast or as low noise designed MOS-FET-PA with 150 W rms in class AB operation
low noise preamp
tube-sound with triode in signal path

fast class-A MOS-FET-PA

To drive Power-MOS-FETs without current do not exploid the possibilities of a MOS-FET. Upper critical frequency and turn-on time will be affected by the manner the MOS-FETs are driven. High-frequency circuitry is asked. We have developed a circuit, which can drive the gate capacity of the FET with more current. The driver is a combination of base-collector coupling with bipolar transistors, a current-source, which can drive fast up to 1/4 Amps. Have a look at the gate-current-schema. The fast MOS-FET-PA has to be compensated a little bit more for square-puls-operation as shown and needs 10 Ohm gate resistances to avoid gate current swinging.

It is possible to design this PA for minimum noise high-end version.

Literature: Halbleiterschaltungstechnik - Tieze/Schenk, Analoge Schaltungen - Seifart, Elektronik - Müseler/Schneider, The Art of Electronics - Horowitz/Hill

specifications with gate-current driver:specifications without gate-current driver:high-end version:


small signal bandwidth: 4 Hz - 25 MHz

gain bandwidth: 6.98 MHz

slew-rate: 770 V/us

transient overshoot: 3 %

input restisance: 43 kOhm

output resistance: 302 uOhm

gain: 11.4 dB

ueq,n = 46.8 nV/SQR(Hz) -> -111.92 dB/22 kHz/13 W

harmonic distortion: < 0.110 % / 13 W, < 0.033 % / 1 W

Po = 13/16.4/23.7 W rms at 8/6/4 Ohm


small signal bandwidth: 4 Hz - 7.3 MHz

gain bandwidth: 2.58 MHz

slew-rate: 235 V/us

transient overshoot: 39 %

input resistance: 43 kOhm

output resistance: 299 uOhm

gain: 11.4 dB

ueq,n = 46.8 nV/SQR(Hz) -> -111.92 dB/22 kHz/13 W

harmonic distortion: < 0.120 % / 13 W, < 0.042 % / 1 W

Po = 13/16.4/23.7 W rms at 8/6/4 Ohm


small signal bandwidth: 4 Hz - 4.5 MHz

gain bandwidth: 1.03 MHz

slew-rate: 66.2 V/us

transient overshoot: 3 %

input resistance: 47.8 kOhm

output resistance: 299 uOhm

gain: 11.56 dB

ueq,n = 20.7 nV/SQR(Hz) -> -120.9 dB/22 kHz/13 W

harmonic distortion: < 0.0089 % / 13 W, < 0.0171 % / 1 W

Po = 13/16.4/23.7 W rms at 8/6/4 Ohm

fast MOS-FET-PAsimple MOS-FET-PA

small signal gain:small signal gain:

slew-rate at full power with a jump:slew-rate at full power with a jump:

transient overshoot:transient overshoot:

gate-current of both MOS-FETs at a full power jump:gate-current at a full power jump:

slew-rate, transient overshoot and gate current of the MOS-FETs at 13 Wrms square-pulse-operation:slew-rate, transient overshoot and gate current of the MOS-FETs at 13 Wrms square-pulse-operation:

output at 13 Wrms square-pulse-operation (compensated):output at 13 Wrms square-pulse-operation:


High-End-MOS-FET-PA with 150 W rms in class AB-operation

MOS-FET-PA in 150 W-Class-AB with Gate-Current-Driver for optimal square-pulse-operation. The compensation is adjusted for an transient overshoot of 3 %. Here two different versions. The differences are the quietness current of the differential amplifier and the compensation.

specifications fast version:specifications high end version:


small signal bandwidth: 4 Hz - 4.2 MHz

gain bandwidth: 3 MHz

slew-rate: 600 V/us

transient overshoot: 11 %

input impedance: 48.1 kOhm

output impedance: 287 uOhm

gain: 18.06 dB

ueq,n = 14.32 nV/SQR(Hz) -> -123 dB/22 kHz/150 W

harmonic distortion: < 0.027 % / 150 W, 0.025 % / 1 W

Pa = 211/141/105 W RMS at 4/6/8 Ohm


small signal bandwidth: 4 Hz - 1.1 MHz

gain bandwidth: 500 kHz

slew-rate: 188 V/us

transient overshoot: 3 %

input impedance: 48.1 kOhm

output impedance: 560 uOhm

gain: 18.06 dB

ueq,n = 10.42 nV/SQR(Hz) -> -129 dB/22 kHz/150 W

harmonic distortion: < 0.033 % / 150 W, 0.0067 % / 1 W

Pa = 211/141/105 W RMS at 4/6/8 Ohm

fast MOS-FET-PAhigh-end MOS-FET-PA

small signal gain:small signal gain:

slew-rate at full power with a jump:slew-rate at full power with a jump:

slew-rate, transient overshoot and gate current of the MOS-FETs at 150 Wrms square-pulse-operation:slew-rate, transient overshoot and gate current of the MOS-FETs at 150 Wrms square-pulse-operation:

slew-rate, transient overshoot and gate current of the MOS-FETs at 150 Wrms square-pulse-operation:slew-rate, transient overshoot and gate current of the MOS-FETs at 150 Wrms square-pulse-operation:

output at 150 Wrms square-pulse-operation:output at 150 Wrms square-pulse-operation:


low noise Preamp:

Low noise Preamp with operational amplifiers OPA1612 and OPA134 from Texas Instruments. The adjustment range for treble, presence and bass are about +/- 15 dB. The necessary gain is in the first stage to reduce noise. The degenerative feedback was designed with low impedance because of noise.


with OPA1612 u. OPA134, original Texas Instruments

small signal bandwidth: 4 Hz - 7.5 MHz

power bandwidth: 4 Hz - 564 kHz

slew-rate: 15.48 V/us

input resistance: 100 kOhm

output resistance: 1140.68 Ohm

gain: 12.74 dB at 43 kOhm load

equivalente input noise voltage: 3.69 nV/SQR(Hz) --> -123.4 dB at 22 kHz bandwidth and 3.07 Veff output voltage.

harmonic distortion: 0.0058 %


small signal gain:

full output at 500 kHz:

slew-rate and swing:

harmonic distortion:

equivalent input noise voltage:


typically tubesound with triode and non-linear transformer:

Many music-lover sense the sound of natural sound and Hi-Fi-Solid-State-Amplifiers subjective "cold" and "boring". This device produces the "warm", "interesting" sound of tube amplifiers by a pentode as triode. The tube-sound results from the non-linear characteristik of the tube Ik=kx(Ust)^3/2 and of the non-linear transformer.

Input- and output voltage is in this design about 500 mVs. disturption adjustment with R6 (saturation degree 0 Ohm to 330 Ohm). With R1 (plate current 470 Ohm Poti) the anode alternate current can be adjusted. The very low-noise operational amplifier regulates the saturation degree of the tube. The THD of the 1 kHz-signal is at 2.1 mAss anode alternating current 2.33 %. with this saturation degree of the tube.

Note: A simulation with a mono-wav-file in LTspice has shown that the result is good. [simulation output 1] [simulation output 2] [simulation output 3]

Thanks to Andreas Fecht and Alexander Bordodynov/Russia, who had some ideas for this.


bandwidth: 30 Hz - ... Hz

input resistance: 100 kOhm

output resistance: 120 Ohm

gain: 0 .. 6.02 dB an 47 kOhm Last

>equivalente input noise voltage: 6.37 nV/SQR(Hz) --> -120.6 dB bei 22 kHz bandwidth and 1 Veff.

harmonic distortion: 1.5 % .. 14.5 %

circuit for 1 channel:

Grid 3 to Kathode

small signal gain:

in- and output signal 1 kHz, moderate adjustment:

spectum of the disturbed signal:
