This devision is the most interesting in our company. Theoretical computations, development of electronic circuits and realisation of prototyps are our activities. For that we can look at a wide spectrum of special literature.
continuous Fourier transformations
Laplace evaluations (activation operation, step response, ...)
FFT - discrete Fourier transformations, complex und real up to 32768 MiB (BluRay)
CEPSTRUM-Analyses (like FFT)
2-D-FFT - discrete 2-Dimensions-Fourier-Transformations and 2-D-CEPSTRUM-Transformatuion of real-data up to 32768 MiB (BluRay)
computation of digital FIR-Filters (coeffizients on request), active filters and passive filters
filtering of series and *.wav-data within time area
filtering of spectrums
development of fast assembler programs (TASM, MASM32)
development of analoge and digital discret circuits (Spice)
active und passive antennas, matching calculations
radio-locating and navigation
microcontroller embedded systems on request
While the Fourier-Transformation is an known tool of the engineering science, the CEPSTRUM-Analyses has to be explained. One application is the finding of signal-echos, for example by multi-way-radiations [Kemerait, R.C. and Childers, Signal Detection and Extraction by CEPSTRUM-Techniques, IEEE Trans. Info. Theory, Vol. IT-18, No. 6, pp. 745-759]. We changed the method, to determine the lenght of impulses for use in RADAR-device. Mathematical and physical interested people can download a text in german language, PDF-format, [here].